We offer dog training in the following areas:
Behavior Modification
Custom Problem Solving
Canine Good Citizen
Therapy Dog Training/Certification
Service Dogs
Human Remains Detection
Accelerant Detection
Explosives Detection
Firearms Detection
Narcotics Detection
Personal Protection
• For all breeds of dogs, we offer private Basic and Advanced Obedience Training, Personal Protection training, Tracking/Trailing training, Narcotics Detection Dog training, and Custom Problem Solving and Behavior Modification Training.
• We can help you locate the right dog for your needs.
• Has previously been licensed by the NY State Bureau of Controlled Substances and has previously been issued a certificate by the DEA. Is licensed by NY State and BATF to store and possess High Explosives.
• We can arrange private sweeps for drugs or explosives. This service is available to individual home owners, private industry and schools. We believe the periodic inspection for illegal controlled substances is a pro-active safety program as well as an excellent deterrent program for homes, private business and schools.
• We can train your dog to determine if it tests out, or just find the right dog for your needs.
• We also offer Handler/Trainer instruction and counseling.
• We specialize in Private Detection Interdiction, and train Civilian as well as Police Detection teams.
• Certification Is Available For Both Law Enforcement And Civilian Dogs And Handlers
• INSURED, BONDED and Better Business Bureau Accreditation